1 year anniversary! Updates and plans for the future

Oh hey, look at the date, it's been one year already! It seems like yesterday that I was panicking and speed coding trying to finish things for my first (successful) game jam.

(And please forget the fact that I almost missed the date)

First of all, I wanna thank every and single one who's reading this and has played or is discovering the game just now. To make games was always a childhood dream, and have successfully made one and seeing people playing it and talking about it fills me with joy.

From the bottom of my heart: Thank you!

But, let's talk about updates: No, this project isn't dead, I was long planning to add more content and more polish to the game, but progress has been slow with other projects, life, and stuff. But hopefully, it will be finished soon enough, I'm planning on updating some of the graphics, adding more personalities, some quality of life stuff, balancing, and overall some more polish. I hope you all will be excited to version 3.0.

Some time ago I enabled Google Analytics on the game page and noticed that a majority of the people playing aren't natively English speakers, and, being a non-native English speaker myself, I would like to make the game as accessible as possible and translate it to as many languages. Unfortunately, I can't manage to learn that many languages nor have the funds to hire professional translators, so my plan is to upload the translation files to a public translation platform named Crowdin, there the community can collectively translate the game. Things aren't ready yet, but I hope to launch it real soon, and I'll make sure to publish it here when things are done.

Once again, thank you all, and feel free to comment any question, give suggestions, ideas, or just some kind words.

See you all very soon, happy kidnapping! ^^

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