Help needed with localization!

Calling all Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish speakers!
Access the translation page here!

Hey everyone, I have an exciting announcement to make, as I mentioned in the previous devlog post, Google Analytics data tells me that many people from non-English speaking countries are playing the game. And being a non-native speaker myself, localization is a huge deal for me.

So I'm opening today a translation project on Crowdin for My Flavor(ite) Kidnapper! Crowdin is a platform for community translations, where many people from different languages can help localize a project. As much as I would love to pay money for a professional translation, I don't have that money so a community driven translation platform is the next best thing.

You'll just need to create an account and access the project page to contribute, I'm opening the project for Simplified and Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish translations, but feel free to suggest other languages if yours isn't in the list.

In the meantime, I'm busy with the v3.0 update! I'm planning lots of things and all languages that are already translated will be added to the update, and don't worry I'll be sure to add later languages to the game as they are translated. I can't give a date yet, but hopefully, the next update will be out this year still hope this doesn't come to bite me later.

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